The healthy path through college admissions.


In her twenty years of experience working in admissions and college counseling, Lauren Watson has counseled close to 700 families through the college process. From guiding students through reflective conversations to help identify their strengths and interests, to building balanced lists of schools, to coaching on course selection, essay writing and interviews, Lauren has maintained her commitment to centering the student, helping parents and students protect their family dynamics along the way.

Lauren’s years of experience working in both in highly selective college admissions and as a college counselor at four different independent schools uniquely positions her as she has in-depth knowledge about a broad range of colleges and universities from coast to coast. In her time at Buckingham, Browne & Nichols School, The Harker School, Stuart Hall High School and Bellarmine College Preparatory, Lauren developed a unique counseling approach that is deeply rooted in her belief that the college admission process is in fact, a developmental one. It is both a critical transition to beginning adulthood and an exciting opportunity for students to learn essential life skills that will contribute to their launch as successful young adults. Lauren aims to coach families through the process in a supportive manner that will deepen their relationships with their teenagers, and protect them from the relational pitfalls that are so common. While many of her students have been admitted to the top liberal arts colleges and research universities in the world, she is equally proud of her students who have enrolled at institutions with which you might not yet be familiar.